As the rainy season approached,
indicating that 2nd trimester end...
a short trimester which having only 8 weeks of study...
plus another 1 week of final exam...
This is my 2nd last trimester of academic studying..
& coming trimester will be my last one..
then it's time for me to go for internship then graduate..
wondering that it is so fast..
Beginning of this trimester...
I'm taking 1 subject only this trimester + FYP...
feeling like this trimester have gone so smoothly...
enjoying the relax life all along this sem..
there was 6 tutorial assignments to be submitted..
2 midterm + 1 lab report & 1 final exam for this sem...
anyway i stil havin a hectic week that is final week of this trimester...
due to the xmas holiday, MMU bring forward 2 days for beginning of exam..
which is week 8 saturday...(thurs got cocu subj exam)
there is new session of "evening session" which is 8-10pm..
I'm so lucky that I have the chance to experience night exam..
it'll be very good for me so that I no need overnight study for this..
well, I don't study much anyway..
A hectic week...
Thurs was my FYP Part 1 presentation...
I've rushed out my presentation slides on tues morning for checkin purpose by my supervisor...
after checkin & minor changes..I've no mood to study due to awaiting presentation..
well, thurs morning was my presentation..
afternoon was my assignment submission..
evening was my 2nd midterm test for the subj...
in the end..
my presentation was smoothly done well..
my assignment finally have been rushed out on the spot tutorial session..
& finally my 2nd midterm test gone terrible~~~ >.<
lack of studying..& it make a tribute to my final exam..
I'm so disappointed of my 2nd midterm..
so I'm very remember all the equation that I've make mistake...
& coz of this, I've done well for my final exam paper..
it relieved me after final exam...
due to the preparation time for exam is quite short & it gone so fast..
I cant really feel the exam mood was with me..
& just finish like this...HAHA...I should be vy happy...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Another end of trimester
Written by 一聪*~ on 12:00 AM 0 Comments
Friday, July 3, 2009
Robotics Challenge Week (RCW) 2009
Let's JOIN & WiTness this GREAT EVENT brought to you by MMU Robotics Club~!!
There will be Robot EXTRAVAGANZA held in Main Hall of Multimedia University on 10-12 JULY 2009!!
Do you ever saw/touch/build a robot?
If yes, do you ever saw a robot fight with each other using their own weapon??
If yes, do you ever participate in any of the Combat Robot Competition??
Here we go the MAIN event of RCW is our COMBAT ROBOT Competition~!!
You still DON'T KNOW what is combat robot?!
You can get the ANSWER by simply type "Combat Robot" in YouTube & you'll understand it..
What are you still waiting for?? Let's watch this popular YOUNGSTER'S games nowadays & LEARN how to make one. It's totally INTERESTING & COOL if you can make 1 in future.
There's other robot competition such as Line Following Robot Competition & Sumo Robot Competition & Robot Soccer Competition as well. Well, easy for me & easy for you, same method you may use to know what is Line Following Robot & Sumo Robot by searching in YouTube. It can be consider a more simple robot compare to combat robot. Well, these are the games for those BEGINNER in Robot Building like ME~!! ^^
Remember, give yourself a CHANCE, you can start experience it by joining these competitions...
Beside all these FASCINATING robot competitions, there are dazzling ROBOTICS EXHIBITION such as students' Final Year Project a.k.a FYP , "high-tech" Robots Display & lots of INFORMATION corner which related from History of Robot/Robotics to the Current World of Robot/Robotics Technology. To let you have a better understanding on Robot or Robotics~
You are non-engineering student?? Well, we prepared you some easy to play "Mini Competitions". Give us a chance to let you experience the EXCITEMENT of Robot WORLD~!! There will be GIFT given to the winner too~! Remember DON'T MISS OUT this event. There are LOTSA Fun waiting you to TRYOUT~!! If there are 100 steps toward Robotics World, what you need to do is just take 1 STEP FORWARD, we will GUIDE you all along the rest of 99 STEPS!!
Do you BORED with 8051? Or do you know there are other MICROPROCESSORS other than 8051 that taught in academic?? Well, here we introduce you PIC MICROCONTROLLER. Want to know more about it?? Come join "PIC Microcontroller" seminar talk which organized by our MAIN Sponsor/CO-organizer - CYTRON TECHNOLOGIES !! We provide you 2nd choice of microcontroller when you are doing your FYP~!!
Other than all of these, we still have live demonstrations of ROBOTS by our exhibitors & MMU ROBOCON Team Members. Their creation, their hardwork & their products, everything is shared in RCW 2009 at MAIN HALL during this 3 days~!! There will be several workshops too to let you have a hand-on experience on the spot during RCW 2009 !! Why not give it a try?
Any enquiries, you may contact :
Tang Kheng Leong - 016-4315097
Sponsorship & Marketing
Lim Yih Ying - 019-6685875
Asst. Sponsorship & Marketing
Choong Bing Hung - 012-7316713
Chong Jian Sheng (Jahnson) - 017-6370278
Email :
Website :
Organizer : MMU Robotics Club
Main Sponsor/Co-organizer - Cytron Technologies
Written by 一聪*~ on 7:45 PM 0 Comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Week 14 !!
final exam reaching soon...
1st paper on thursday...
9 days to go...
progress 0 %.. >.<
monday finally built robot arm..
our group's robot arm (this photo still lack of gripper)..
though the gripper was just a fake 1..
just for showing purpose.. Last Saturday went MetalTech 2009...
it's an engineering event...
more on business purpose...
gained a lot extra knowledge about the engineering world outside campus...
the real engineer's product...
too bad camera was prohibited...
so no camera...
there were lots of gigantic machines, of course smaller machines too...
a lot of engineering parts...
a lot of different CAD/CAM tool...(i tot juz got CATIA, Solidworks & AutoCAD)
meet up with a Cheras' friend after that...
had a dinner at Gasoline Cafe...
somewhere around hulu langat (4gt called wat d...)
the service was very de good~
I only can finish my dinner after 4 hours at there.. >.<
just now just wake up...
saw my friend's MSN pm..
I felt anxious when seeing this...
quickly login MMLS & noticed that coursework marks for EngSoc subject has released...
thx God that I got my "numbering" result...
according to the announcement...
seems like there were many groups that got 0 for either report or report presentation...
now, finally all my assignment have been done...
5 subjects 5 assignment...
it's time back to study...
other than study...most of my time was in facebook nowadays.. =p
Melaka's weather is damn goooooooddd everyday...
you can have free sauna in everywhere in Melaka...
due to this reason, I need to find somewhere air-cond to study...
where else?? aha...nt library nt campus...only...
well...hereby wish all MMU-ians...
Good Luck for final exam~!!
p/s : sorry for late replyin message in ym or msn...due to nt always at home now... ^^
Written by 一聪*~ on 4:25 PM 1 Comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
wasted day
final exam coming in less than 2 weeks...
robot arm project due next monday...
progress 0%..
finished a RPG game finally after quite a long time of playing...
doing nothing the rest of the day...
conclusion == wasted a day...
Written by 一聪*~ on 1:14 AM 2 Comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
replacement class
omg!! it's almost 8pm..
my replacement class for numerical..!!
i skipped tuesday class..
rush rush rush...
went for dinner around 7.45pm..
of course it was late after dinner & stopped at CLC..
oh gosh~!! my class at FBL..
walking really fast toward studio A..
eh~!! how come no people geh??!!
"yo~! numerical got class o not??!!"
"bro..beh finished teaching edi lah~!!"
day end...
Written by 一聪*~ on 1:05 AM 0 Comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
weight's red light
recently start to not attending tkd training..
this week is week 5..
week 2, 3 & this week i've not attended club training..
1st time my attendance so less this sem since I enter MMU...
now even less than 50% (can get academic bar...lolx~)
hell, I'll grow horizontally soon if continue doin so.. >.<
last night had dinner with my tkd senior..
dunno whether it's a joke or wat..
being told that it's normal having this phenomenon in this period (final year)
maybe this symptom implant earlier..
but then most of the time I didn't mean to skip..
due to meetings, classes & etc...
waiting to go again..hehe..need exercise to maintain body..
Written by 一聪*~ on 11:47 AM 0 Comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
Tag by Dani
Rules : Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer.
Written by 一聪*~ on 12:35 AM 0 Comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Week 5
Actually I'm supposed to do the tag now...
However, I found some difficulties in completing the tag & my eyes closing soon...
DOn't Care edi..wahaha..
Last weekend I went work as part time...
Some kind of logistic work... (kuli)
Have to carry this & carry that...
Well, the boss not so sux compared to other boss/supervisor that I've worked for..
The crazy thing happened is the boss thought I'm Intel Quad Core.. =.=
Can process/work many things at the same time...
Doing this stuff scold other stuff..
Doing other stuff scold another..
This only happened during peak hour..
So, I also lazy want blame anything..
Just see some friends blamed a lot for working there..
Well maybe they're 1st time..
Never work for other boss yet..haha..
It's not my business either..
As long money go into my pocket..wuahaha
A lot assignments to go :
-Industrial Management
-Robotics & Automation - Robot Arm
-Numerical Analysis
-Engineer & Society
-Backdrop design for friend
Written by 一聪*~ on 2:02 AM 3 Comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Week 4
Thx God bringing rainy day to the desert Malacca...
High atmosphere temperature has made us like living in sauna room..
Well, raining day solved all these problems...
The next problem coming -- assignment + proposal..
The "things" to be done tomorrow :
- Engineer & Society Project Proposal
- Numerical Assignment
- Jogathon (MMU Olympic)
This weekend will be working at MITC...
Earning some pocket money...yeah~!
9-9..gonna miss photo session for RC on Sunday.. T.T
Written by 一聪*~ on 11:57 PM 1 Comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Half an hour more to end this "special day" for couples..
Well, i'm single, it's nothing much special for me..
But, this year something make my V-day so specialll...
Diarrhoea have accompanied me celebrating this special day... >.<
The moment of 12am of this special day..
I've been asked to play badminton with my housemate & his friends..
It's a good game, it makes me vomit after finished due to sickness..
4am start to sleep..
Then the rest of time is just diarrhoea-ing & sleeping..
It makes me so damn tired whole day & that's why I'm sleeping all the time..
When I wake up?? I just wake up only - It's 1130pm
Exclude the time I'm "d...", I've slept for 19 hours & half..
Well, this is how my V-day alike...
Happy V-day for my friends...
Written by 一聪*~ on 11:28 PM 0 Comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
2nd week
Last 2 days was celebrating XiaoHui's birthday during dinner time..
The moments before that, to our surprised she's free for dinner..
Thought she'll be pretty busy whole night..
After dinner we celebrated in Secret Recipe..
We ordered Tiramisu & Moist Choc..(3 ppl eating..)
Well, my great yesterday caused by this..
On that night my stomach started not feeling well..
& then on yesterday, diarrhoea for whole afternoon..
After 8am class then I didn't attend class on 12pm..
I nvr have my breakfast or lunch or dinner..
Wonder is this the reason caused me stop diarrhoea in evening..
After taking medicine at night, I had supper with my friends..
Asam pedas at malay stall of pasar borong..
It's full of "curry water" & the fish is not fresh~
It's totally OMG!! The 1st meal for my day with such sux food... >.<
Actually for last few days I don't feel like blogging for some moments..
However, I'm blogging now..
It's due to a subject called Engineer & Society..
Which it's assignment need us to blog... ^^"
Well, the 1st blog need to introduce myself & I did it a moment ago...
In this sem, we required to post 10 blogs..
I hope it'll be easy for me...
Written by 一聪*~ on 10:31 PM 0 Comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Catherine's TAG
Rules and regulations:
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with sixteen random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose ten people to be tagged, listing their names and why you choose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you.
1. i went kl...pass through red traffic light..
2. i went in to one way too (opposite direction)
3. i come back to melaka start my 1st time speeding with 140 km/h at Tampin
4. i'm doing 2nd tag of the day since quite some time never blog
5. Robofair is cool?!
6. met a lot of "old boys" of tkd in sir's open house
7. too many random things need to be write..but i've no idea edi..
8. i just wake up
9. facts - i've a nice sleep without alarm wake me up
10. habits - should ask other about my habits...i don't know
11. goals - i want graduate, get a job, have a good living
12. i love chocolate.
13. i love camera
14. i love beach..especially Teluk Chempedak, Kuantan...
15. i love gaming..but my comp can't support.. >.<
16. i love..??
People i tagged / the reason tagged:
1. anyone - whoever wish to be tagged just do it / reason - i don't know tag who..XD
Written by 一聪*~ on 1:39 PM 0 Comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Life - Kuantan
Last Sunday, I've back to Kuantan. Normally there's no changes all the way back Kuantan. In this journey, finallyyy I've found there's something different compared to before. Before this, there's two bridges on construction (for yearssss...). & finallyyy, 1 of the bridge that near to Segamat finally been constructed, how surprised I'm. (tot the construction already abandoned..)
After back to Kuantan, I was going through a different weather. Comparing to Melaka, the weather is totally contrast. In Melaka is like staying under the sun of Sahara. However in Kuantan is feeling like stayin in snow (not so cold..but very cold..haha). Raining cats & dogs in Kuantan had caused the temperature slightly dropped. Finally in the day of 3rd (Wed), I started to feel sick. I told mum & being "forced" to take panadol (I'll always try to avoid taking it..due to..hmm..). According to don't-know-whom, the chemical thingy in panadol will stay in our body for 5 years. (I wonder is it harmful or not, i just avoid it..)
Well, now, of course I've back to normal since I took panadol. During this 1st week holiday, nothing much I've done other than buying new clothes, "repair" my tooth, paying the bills & service my car. On tuesday I guess, finally I've tasted Big Apple Donuts' donut (haha..). While I've bought my clothes, I saw no people queing in front counter (normally there is..). So, I decided to buy 1 to have a taste & then I choose a donut full with chocolate. Of course, it's taste so good~ ^^
1 week in Kuantan, my daily life quite constant. 2am until 10.30am night sleeping time. After wake up is breakfast & newspaper time then wait for lunch. After lunch is 1 or 2 rounds of Dota (vs AI), napping or reading. After dinner, either clicking on comp or reading again then online from 11 until 1 or 2am again. Those stuffs like going out is substituted with the program on the time..hehe..
Since talked about reading, (hey..I really reading huh~! :P) I'm not reading on lecture notes or text books of course. I'm reading on HISTORY~!! The China's history...Well, it seems to be more like novel to me & most of you I guess.. ^^ Coz normally what I've read is specific on one empire or dynasty while this book has summarized whole China's history (SUMMARY..not the whole detail). What makes me interested in it is that I wish to understand the linkage between all the dynasties. & this is the 1st time I read about the 1st "king" in China.
What have surprised me is that the Kings in the games I played is refer to the 1st King of China & his assistant (they're enemy before the peace of the whole China). I couldn't believe that some part of story in the game is something real that happened (although it might be myth..) Finally only I knew we're called 炎黄子孙 (yan2 huang2 zi3 sun1 - the sons of Yan & Huang) Basically there's wars between King Yan, King Huang & ChiYou. King Yan & King Huang joint together & win over ChiYou at 1st. Then King Huang war & win over King Yan in the end and so King Yan become King Huang's assistant. & the Chinese called them as the Chinese's ancestor & all the Chinese's are their sons...
There's a lot stories more until the last dynasty of China - Ching's Dynasty & the republic of China I guess (haven't read finish). Here I goes..
Happy Chinese New Year~!
Written by 一聪*~ on 12:26 AM 0 Comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
this will be a short post..
after go through all the processes of nervous, scared, shocked, mind-empty, surprised & finally go to excited..
nervous - i don't prepare myself enough for the exam...
scared - i even shivering due to nervous & coldness in main hall..
mind-empty - i FORGOT formulas >.< then i just simply write in the formulas..
surprised - IT's CORRECT !!!!
excited - i'm damn excited after finished exam..whole nite never sleep
yeah~! Kuantan here i COME !!
well, holiday official started, now is 1150am..
i'm going depart on 1230am..
so gonna ciao ~
Happy Holiday to MMU-ian~!!
Happy Chinese New Year to EVERYONE~!!! ^^
Written by 一聪*~ on 11:42 AM 0 Comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Pic of Today~
Well, let me SS awhile..
Introducing....deng deng** --------> ME !! MYSELF!!
Written by 一聪*~ on 10:01 PM 3 Comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Countdown : 6 days
countdown to MOM final : 6 days
what have i did? study? - NO!
well, finally i've watched TITANIC..
i guess it's famous enough that i no need to describe what's this movie about..
& this is the biggest size movie that i've download ever - 2.54GB
(normally the movie i download <1GB)
my 1st meal of the day - dinner..
though i woke up at 1pm..
yet i dun hv any feel to have lunch..
now some things running in my mind..
- preparation for master's bday..
(need think of present again..@.@)
- decision on participate in hsmate's trip to A'famosa..
(no idea wat's i doubt of..actually..)
well, i guess need some time to make decision..
i guess the trip can't attract me ba..wuahaha~ jk..
seems like gonna be unsolved question already..
anything can help?
everything in my mind are messy-ing..
since now is blogging..
let's go back to 2 days ago..
4 years in melaka..
1st time i've been to air panas..near tampin i guess..
well, the water is really hot..
i spent some time to go in to big pool..
while turn to small pool..i can't afford to dive in any part of my body..
yeah~ i brought my camera there..
but unfortunately, there're so many ppl..
& i wish to enjoy the moment playing with hot water.. one holding camera..
conclusion - NO photos..xD
maybe next time will do.. ^^
Written by 一聪*~ on 10:38 PM 0 Comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
1st Day of the Year 2009
Last day of 2008, my life just as simple as having a lunch with my senior, then we went play pool in Senyum. While on the way back, we stopped aside having a fruit to fill HIS stomach, & we also dropped by Italy Cake house to have some bread & cakes.
After back home, I just doing nothing all the day. When the time I feel most boring, I reloaded my maxis number & send new year wishes massively. On the other hand, of course i received the reply back too. ^^
It's ended up sms-ing with old friend until I lye on bed & have a rest. (sms-ing + sleep should consider REST ba.. XD) My senior asked me to take photo on fireworks when afternoon but finally I rejected due to... (I also don't know..just feel lazy..). So, the moment countdown to 2009 I was lying on bed & without knowing 2009 had reached.
It seems like a dull countdown to 2009 this year. Last year I celebrated with bunch of tkd gang. Due to the "disappearment" of many friends, so I ended up like this.
However, within the 1st 5 minutes (I guess..), I received a help call from sc (quite surprised..tot not in melaka). So due to some problems, she need to get her sister back from DP. After this "mission" done, I called up my coursemate because they "jio" me for drink the minutes after sc call.
When back home, KK asked to play a board game - RISK. Well, it's a board game. (I know this explanation is SuX) Actually, there's a "world map" on a board. Then we have our armies to fight. 1st, we have to choose whether to play mission or world conquer. Since we were 1st timer, we take world conquer & we only have 3 players playing.
So, we can choose to place an army in 1 territories each turn (total 42 territories). Then we started our world "journey". We were able to have "reinforcement" each round & the number depends on the how much we conquered. It's a good strategy game. Well, it will be very fun if have more players.
Sorry that I didn't take any photo on these. (hehe, recently small matter I didn't take photo). & we played this game until 10am (MORNING!! After 1st round (very fast end), another player joined). Then sleep until 8pm I guess (had lunch in between..XD). The dinner for the 1st day of the year is....MAGGI!! + egg and ate jambu (brought from home). I cooked myself for the 1st dinner of the year leh... My friend blamed me why so saving money today.. >.<
2 & a half hours more to end the 1st day of the year. Well, here I deliver my wish to all my great Friends no matter who...
Written by 一聪*~ on 9:04 PM 0 Comments