As the rainy season approached,
indicating that 2nd trimester end...
a short trimester which having only 8 weeks of study...
plus another 1 week of final exam...
This is my 2nd last trimester of academic studying..
& coming trimester will be my last one..
then it's time for me to go for internship then graduate..
wondering that it is so fast..
Beginning of this trimester...
I'm taking 1 subject only this trimester + FYP...
feeling like this trimester have gone so smoothly...
enjoying the relax life all along this sem..
there was 6 tutorial assignments to be submitted..
2 midterm + 1 lab report & 1 final exam for this sem...
anyway i stil havin a hectic week that is final week of this trimester...
due to the xmas holiday, MMU bring forward 2 days for beginning of exam..
which is week 8 saturday...(thurs got cocu subj exam)
there is new session of "evening session" which is 8-10pm..
I'm so lucky that I have the chance to experience night exam..
it'll be very good for me so that I no need overnight study for this..
well, I don't study much anyway..
A hectic week...
Thurs was my FYP Part 1 presentation...
I've rushed out my presentation slides on tues morning for checkin purpose by my supervisor...
after checkin & minor changes..I've no mood to study due to awaiting presentation..
well, thurs morning was my presentation..
afternoon was my assignment submission..
evening was my 2nd midterm test for the subj...
in the end..
my presentation was smoothly done well..
my assignment finally have been rushed out on the spot tutorial session..
& finally my 2nd midterm test gone terrible~~~ >.<
lack of studying..& it make a tribute to my final exam..
I'm so disappointed of my 2nd midterm..
so I'm very remember all the equation that I've make mistake...
& coz of this, I've done well for my final exam paper..
it relieved me after final exam...
due to the preparation time for exam is quite short & it gone so fast..
I cant really feel the exam mood was with me..
& just finish like this...HAHA...I should be vy happy...
6 years ago